Tools Programs developed by the EgiChem group
Disclaimer: All calculators on this website are provided in good faith and are accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, EgiChem does not make any guarantees about this information. Any action you take upon the information you find here, is strictly your responsibility. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Property estimation
Online Calculator
PC-SAFT Equation of State
Calculate properties of pure components and binary mixtures using the PC-SAFT equation of state.
PC-SAFT EoSOnline Calculator
Joback method
Estimation of pure component physical properties using the Joback Group Contribution method.
Joback methodDiffusion coefficients
Online Calculator
Diffusion coefficients - binary gases
Estimated using the empirical correlation of Wilke and Lee (1955) for binary gas systems at low pressure.
Gas DiffusivitiesOnline Calculator
Diffusion coefficients - polar/nonpolar solvents
Machine Learning models for the prediction of diffusivities in polar (except water) and nonpolar (except supercritical carbon dioxide) solvents.
ML polar/nonpolarOnline Calculator
Diffusion coefficients - Supercritical CO2
Machine Learning models for the prediction of diffusivities in supercritical carbon dioxide.
ML SC-CO2Online Calculator
Diffusion coefficients - Rice and Gray model
Diffusion coefficients of a solute in a solvent calculated using the Rice and Gray model.
Rice and Gray modelOnline Calculator
Diffusion coefficients - Wilke-Chang
Diffusion coefficients of a solute in a solvent calculated using the Wilke-Chang equation.
Wilke-ChangSupercritical fluids
Online Calculator
SC-CO2 and SC-CO2/cossolvent properties
Thermodynamic properties of supercritical carbon dioxide and cossolvent mixtures calculated using the PC-SAFT equation of state.
SC-CO2 PropertiesPsychrometrics
Online Calculator
Calculate the thermodynamic properties of air and simulate drying/ventilation processes. Visualize data in an interactive Psychrometric Chart.
Psychrometric Calculator Drying/Ventilation SimulatorOnline Calculator
Air properties
Correlations to estimate the thermodynamic and transport properties of dry air at atmospheric pressure, for the range 200 - 400 K.
Air properties calculatorAdsorption
Online Calculator
Adsorption isotherm fitting
Fits well known adsorption isotherm models (e.g. Linear, Langmuir, Freundlich) to experimental data.
Isotherm fittingOthers
Online Calculator
Unit conversion
Covert between units of time, length, area, volume, mass, temperature, pressure, energy, speed, volumetric flow, density, and viscosity.
Unit conversionOnline Calculator
A collection of useful constants and functions used in chemical engineering.
UtilitiesMicrosoft Excel
Diffusivities calculation (universal)
Universal model for accurate calculation of binary diffusivities of solutes infinitely diluted in gas, liquid and supercritical solvents. Based on a Lennard-Jones model, and contains two parameters: molecular diameter of the solvent and a diffusion activation energy. The model is universal since it is applicable to polar, weakly polar, and non-polar solutes and/or solvents, over wide ranges of temperature and density.
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