Properties Estimation with the Joback method
Estimation of pure component physical properties using the Joback Group Contribution method.
This calculator implements the Joback Group Contribution method.
The Joback method is a group-contribution method. Joback assumes that there are no interactions between the groups, and therefore only uses additive contributions and no contributions for interactions between groups.
If no temperature is inputed, some calculations cannot be computed.
K.G. Joback, A Unified Approach to Physical Property Estimation Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques, Master thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 1984.
K.G. Joback, R.C. Reid, Estimation of pure-component properties from group-contributions, Chem. Eng. Commun., 1987, 57 (1–6), 233-243.
R.C. Reid, J.M. Prausnitz, B.E. Poling, The Properties of Gases & Liquids(4th edition), McGraw-Hill, 1987.