Sarah Sequeira


Sarah Sequeira is a MSc Student at EgiChem focusing on .


S. Sequeira, D.V. Evtuguin, I. Portugal. Preparation and properties of cellulose/silica hybrid composites, Polymer Composites 30 (2009) 1275-1282.

S. Sequeira, D.V. Evtuguin, I. Portugal. Cellulose-silica hybrid materials obtained by heteropolyacid catalyzed sol-gel synthesis, ACS Symposium Series 954 (2007) 121-136.

S. Sequeira, D.V. Evtuguin, I. Portugal, A.P. Esculcas. Synthesis and characterisation of cellulose/silica hybrids obtained by heteropoly acid catalysed sol-gel process, Materials Science and Engineering C 27 (2007) 172-179.


I. Azenha, J. Aniceto, S. Sequeira, C. Areia, A. Mendes, C.M. Silva. Separation of betulinic and oleanolic Acids by simulated moving bed, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 2 – 4 October, 2018.

I.S. Azenha, J.P.S. Aniceto, S. Sequeira, A. Mendes, C.M. Silva. The separation of betulinic and oleanolic acids by simulated moving bed chromatography: Experimental and modeling studies, 6th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting, Setúbal, 16 – 18 May, 2018.

S. Sequeira, F.A. Da Silva, C.M. Silva, I. Portugal. Adsorption Undergraduate Experiments, CHEMPOR 2005, Aveiro, , 2001.


Sarah Sequeira. Separação de compostos bioativos para a indústria farmacêutica por Leito Móvel Simulado, MSc Thesis, Coordinator(s): Carlos Manuel Silva, University of Aveiro, 2017.