M.M.R. Melo, R.P. Silva, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Valorization of water hyacinth through supercritical CO2 extraction of stigmasterol, Industrial Crops and Products 80 (2016) 177-185.
R.P. Silva, M.M.R. Melo, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Polar and lipophilic extracts characterization of roots, stalks, leaves and flowers of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), and insights for its future valorization, Industrial Crops and Products 76 (2015) 1033-1038.
R.P. Silva, M.M.R. de Melo, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Jacinto-de-água (Eichhornia crassipes): de planta invasora a fonte promissora de fitosteróis, XX Econtro Luso-Galego de Química, Porto, 26-29 November, 2014.