Carlos Manuel Silva
Carlos Manuel Silva
Carlos Manuel Silva is currently Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and is member of CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials. CMS has published over 190 peer reviewed journal articles, 14 book chapters and 2 patents.
CMS research areas cover supercritical fluids, transport properties (mainly diffusivities), separation processes (supercritical fluid extraction, membranes, adsorption, simulated moving bed chromatography, and ion exchange), synthesis and characterization of zeotype materials, and modeling (phenomenological, machine learning based, and molecular dynamics).
- Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Aveiro (UA).
- Member of the General Council of the University of Aveiro (2017-2021).
- Deputy Director of the Department of Chemistry for the research area.
- Elected member of the Council of the Department of Chemistry.
- Member of the Administration Board of CTCOR - Centro Tecnológico da Cortiça in representation of UA.
- Member of the Fiscal Council of the CoLAB ForestWISE in representation of UA.
- UA Representative at APQuímica and AIPQR.
- Director of Doctoral Program in Chemical Engineering and Doctoral Program in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemistry at UA.
- Vice-Director of the Master in Chemical Engineering of UA.
- Erasmus coordinator of the Chemical Engineering area.
- Member of the Editorial Board of: Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry, International Journal of Green Technology, Materials.
- Scientific Reviewer of international journals and of High School Manuals of Chemistry (10th, 11th and 12th grades) of Porto Editora – Portugal.
- Integrated two national and international evaluation panels of scholarships and projects.
Bibliometric data




Book Chapters
R.M.A Domingues, C.S.R. Freire, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.P. Neto, Carlos M. Silva. Method for obtaining an extract rich in triterpenic acids from Eucalyptus barks, , 2013.
R.M.A Domingues, C.S.R. Freire, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.P. Neto, Carlos M. Silva. Method for obtaining an extract rich in triterpenic acids from Eucalyptus barks, , 2012.
A. Cavuquila, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, A. Barros-Timmons. Addressing the valorization of multilayer plastic waste towards circular economy, 7th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Dresden, 22th -24th May, 2023.
C.B. Paixão, S.M.R. Costa, C.M.C. Silva, D. Fowler, G.A. Carreira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Assessment of purification methods for the production of low contaminated recovered carbon black, Ciência 2023 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, Aveiro, 5th – 7th July, 2023.
M.L. Durão, A. Cavuquila, C. Martins, I. Portugal , C.M. Silva, I. Gonçalves, A. Barros-Timmons. Development of new 3D printing filaments using tomato pomace and multilayer plastic waste as raw materials, Jornadas CICECO 2023, Aveiro, 12th October, 2023.
C. Maganinho, C.M.C. Silva, S.M.R. Costa, G. Carreira, I. Portugal, J. Rocha, C.M. Silva. Enhancing the Commercial Value of Recovered Carbon Black from End-of-Life Tires through Particle Size Optimization for Rubber Matrix Dispersion, Jornadas CICECO 2023, Aveiro, 12th October, 2023.
C.M.C. Silva, C. Maganinho, S.M.R. Costa, G. Carreira, I. Portugal, J. Rocha, C.M. Silva. Enhancing the Properties of Recovered Carbon Black: Demineralization Process, Jornadas CICECO 2023, Aveiro, 12th October, 2023.
C. Maganinho, C.M.C. Silva, S.M.R. Costa, J. Rocha, C.M. Silva. Enhancing the Properties of Recovered Carbon Black: Demineralization Process, Ciência 2023, Aveiro, 5th - 7th July, 2023.
A. Cavuquila, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, A. Barros-Timmons. Evaluating the performance of recovered polyethylene from multilayer plastic waste, Jornadas CICECO 2023, Aveiro, 12th October, 2023.
S.M.R. Costa, C.M.C. Silva, C.F. Maganinho, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Into the recovered carbon black, Ciência 2023 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, Aveiro, 5th – 7th July, 2023.
B.S. Monteiro, J. Fuentes, I.S. Azenha, J.P.S. Aniceto, C.M. Silva. Isolation of triterpenic acids by Simulated Moving Bed chromatography, HPLC 2023, Duesseldorf, Germany, June 18-22, 2023.
J. Fuentes, B.S. Monteiro, I. Portugal, J.P.S. Aniceto, C.M. Silva. Separation of fatty acids ethyl esters using HPLC and SMB: Experimental and modelling approach, HPLC 2023, Duesseldorf, Germany, June 18-22, 2023.
M. A. J. Teixeira, S. Matharage, Z. Wang, M. M. Q. Simões, I. Portugal, C. M. Silva. Sorption assays of furanic compounds in transformers' insulating oil and paper systems, 14th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, Bragança, 12th - 15th September, 2023.
M. A. J. Teixeira, S. Matharage, Z. Wang, M. M. Q. Simões, I. Portugal, C. M. Silva. Sorption study of furanic compounds in transformers’ insulating materials systems, 8th Portuguese Young Chemistry Meeting, Vila Real, 17th - 19th May, 2023.
C.M.C. Silva, C. Maganinho, S.M.R. Costa, J. Rocha, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Towards the production of reinforcing recovered carbon black from the pyrolysis of end-of-life tires, Ciência 2023 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, Aveiro, 5th – 7th July, 2023.
M.L. Durão, A. Cavuquila, C. Martins, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, I. Gonçalves, A. Barros-Timmons. Valorisation of tomato pomace and multilayer plastic waste for additive manufacturing, 7th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Dresden, 22th -24th May, 2023.
B. Zêzere, T.V.B. Fonseca, I. Portugal, J.R.B. Gomes, C.M. Silva. Models for tracer diffusivities in liquid and supercritical ternary systems, 2nd Iberian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EIFS2022), Coimbra, Portugal, February 28th - March 2nd, 2022.
S.M.R. Costa, C.M.C. Silva, D. Fowler, G.A. Carreira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Optimization of end-of-life tires pyrolysis process and post-treatment for the production of marketable recovered carbon black, Jornadas CICECO 2022, Aveiro, 12th October 2022, 2022.
I.S. Azenha, J.P.S. Aniceto, D.P. Ribeiro, A. Mendes, C.M. Silva. Separation of betulinic and oleanolic acids by analytical and preparative liquid chromatography: experiments and modeling, 12º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, Aveiro, 6 - 8 December, 2022.
C.M.C. Silva, C. Maganinho, S.M.R. Costa, G. Carreira, C.M. Silva, I. Portugal. Towards the production of reinforcing recovered carbon black from the pyrolysis of rubber from end-of-life tires, Jornadas CICECO 2022, Aveiro, 12th October 2022, 2022.
A. Cavuquila, C. Maganinho, G.A. Carreira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, and A. Barros-Timmons. Valorization of multilayer plastic waste, EPF European Polymer Congress 2022, Prague, 26th June - 1st July, 2022.
A. Cavuquila, C. Maganinho, G.A. Carreira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, and A. Barros-Timmons. Valorization of multilayer plastic waste, Jornadas CICECO 2022, Aveiro, 12th October, 2022.
B. Zêzere, I. Portugal, J.R.B. Gomes, C.M. Silva. Estimation and correlation of multicomponent diffusivities in supercritical mixtures by the Multi Liu–Silva–Macedo model, EMSF2021, Bordeaux, France, May 3-6, 2021.
J.P.S. Aniceto, B. Zêzere, C.M. Silva. Prediction of diffusivities in supercritical carbon dioxide using machine learning models, EMSF2021, Bordeaux, France, May 3-6, 2021.
S.M.R. Costa, C.M.C. Silva, D. Fowler, G.A. Carreira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Production, purification and characterization of recovered carbon black, XI National Meeting on Catalysis and Porous Materials & II Meeting of the Carbon Group, Aveiro, Portugal, December 9-10, 2021.
C.M.C. Silva, S.M.R. Costa, D. Fowler, G.A. Carreira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Pyrolysis of end-of-life tires for the production of recovered carbon black, fuel and syngas, XI National Meeting on Catalysis and Porous Materials & II Meeting of the Carbon Group, Aveiro, Portugal, December 9-10, 2021.
I. Ferreira, M.M.R. de Melo, M. Sapatinha, J. Pinheiro, M.F.L. Lemos, N.M. Bandarra, I. Batista, M.C. Paulo, J. Coutinho, J.A. Saraiva, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Enriched oil in DHA omega-3 fatty acid by optimized supercritical fluid extraction of Aurantiochytrium sp. microalgae, EIFS2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, , 2020.
B. Zêzere, J. Iglésias, I. Portugal, J.R.B. Gomes, C.M. Silva. Estimation of multicomponent diffusivities in supercritical and liquid mixtures, EIFS2020, Santiago de Compostela, , 2020.
C.M. Silva, B. Zêzere, J.R.B. Gomes, I. Portugal. Experimental measurements of diffusion coefficients in compressed liquids and supercritical fluids, EIFS2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, , 2020.
J. Iglésias, B. Zêzere, I. Portugal, J.R.B. Gomes, C. M. Silva. Molecular dynamics simulation of diffusion coefficients in supercritical carbon dioxide, EIFS2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, , 2020.
J.P.S. Aniceto, B. Zêzere, C.M. Silva. Prediction of diffusivities in supercritical carbon dioxide using machine learning models, EIFS2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, , 2020.
V.H. Rodrigues, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Supercritical fluid extraction of triterpenoids of the lupane type from Acacia dealbata bark biomass, EIFS2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, , 2020.
V.H. Rodrigues, M.M.R. de Melo, V. Tenberg, J.P. S. Aniceto, R. Carreira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Extraction of Eucalyptus globulus leaves with distinct methods and solvents. Comparison and analysis of the extracts., 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA, November 10-15, 2019, 2019.
I.S. Azenha, J.P.S. Aniceto, A. Mendes, C.M. Silva. Improving the simulated moving bed separation of oleanolic and ursolic acids with a C30 stationary phase, 12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 5th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Florence, Italy, 15-19 September,, 2019.
S.P. Cardoso, I.S.S. Ferreira, I. Matos, M. Bernardo, M. Ventura, I.M. Fonseca, A. Valente, C.M. Silva. Kinetics and Equilibrium Study of New Activated Carbon Materials for Acetaldehyde Removal, 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA, , 2019.
I.S. Azenha, J.P.S. Aniceto, A. Mendes, C.M. Silva. Optimizing the separation of oleanolic and ursolic acids by simulated moving bed chromatography using a C30 adsorbent, 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA, November 10-15, 2019, 2019.
S.P. Cardoso, Z. Lin, E. Fabre, E. Pereira, C.M. Silva,. The use of a new Fe Substituted Niobium Silicate (NS91) for Hg(II) ion exchange from aqueous solutions, 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA, , 2019.
J.M. Pinheiro, S. Salústio, V. Geraldes, A. Valente, C.M. Silva. Copper foam coated with CPO-27(Ni) metal-organic framework for adsorption heat pump: simulation study using OpenFOAM, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 16 – 4 October, 2018.
A.F. Silva, A.A. Valente, F.A. da Silva, C.M. Silva. Design and efficiency assessment of a packed bed distillation column by HETP and HTU approaches, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 20 – 4 October, 2018.
J.M. Pinheiro, S. Salústio, A.A. Valente, C.M. Silva. Design of experiments and response surface methodology as powerful tools for optimization of adsorption heat pumps, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 15 – 4 October, 2018.
B. Zêzere, A. L. Magalhães, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Diffusion coefficients of metal acetylacetonates in liquid ethanol and supercritical CO2, 6th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting, Setúbal, 15 – 18 May, 2018.
B. Zêzere, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Experimental and modeled diffusivities of metal acetylacetonates in liquid ethanol and comparative insights with their diffusivity in supercritical CO2, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 7 – 4 October, 2018.
S.P. Cardoso, T. Faria, C.B. Lopes, E. Pereira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Influence of distinct cations in solution on the equilibrium and kinetics of mercury removal using titanosilicate ETS-4, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 17 – 4 October, 2018.
M.M.R. de Melo, C.M. Silva, N. Caetano, T. Mata, A. Martins. Life cycle assessment of supercritical fluid extraction of lycopene from tomato residues, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 3 – 4 October, 2018.
J.M. Silva, B. Zêzere, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Measurement of diffusion coefficients of lycopene and astaxanthin in compressed liquids, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 12 – 4 October, 2018.
A.F. Silva, A. Fernandes, P. Neves, M.M. Antunes, S.M. Rocha, M.F. Ribeiro, C. M. Silva; Valente, A.A. Valente. Micro/mesostructured catalysts based on the BEA topology for 1-butene oligomerisation, Jornadas CICECO 2018, Aveiro, 11-12 June, 2018.
J.P.S. Aniceto, A. Rudnitskaya, C.M. Silva. Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for the chromatographic separation of triterpenic acids isomers, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 9 – 4 October, 2018.
B. Zêzere, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. New extension of the Liu-Silva-Macedo model to multicomponent Lennard-Jones intradiffusivities, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 6 – 4 October, 2018.
E. Fabre, A. Rocha, C.B. Lopes, C. Vale, C.M. Silva, E. Pereira. New promising microporous niobium and vanadium silicates for mercury removal from aqueous solutions, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 19 – 4 October, 2018.
J.M. Pinheiro, S. Salústio, A.A. Valente, C.M. Silva. Optimization of adsorption heat pumps by design of experiments and response surface methodology, Jornadas CICECO 2018, Aveiro, 11-12 June, 2018.
A.F. Silva, A. Fernandes, M.M. Antunes, M.F. Ribeiro, C.M. Silva, A.A. Valente. Production of clean synthetic fuels using nanocrystalline MFI-based micro/mesoporous zeotypes synthesised via bottom-up approaches, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 10 – 4 October, 2018.
A.F. Silva, A. Fernandes, M.M. Antunes, M.F. Ribeiro, C.M. Silva, A.A. Valente. Production of clean synthetic fuels using nanocrystalline MFI-based micro/mesoporous zeotypes synthesised via top-down approaches, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 11 – 4 October, 2018.
F. Rocha, E. Pereira, T. Trindade, C.M. Silva, C.B. Lopes. Selective recovery of platinum-group elements using Fe3O4@EG nanocomposites and their precursors, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 18 – 4 October, 2018.
I. Azenha, J. Aniceto, S. Sequeira, C. Areia, A. Mendes, C.M. Silva. Separation of betulinic and oleanolic Acids by simulated moving bed, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 2 – 4 October, 2018.
E. Fabre, C. Vale, E. Pereira, C.M. Silva. Study of Hg2+ removal from tap water using different biosorbents, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 14 – 4 October, 2018.
J.P.S. Aniceto, I.S. Azenha, A. Mendes, C.M. Silva. Study of tritperpenic acids isolation by simulated moving bed at two distinct scales, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 8 – 4 October, 2018.
S. Costa, S.P. Cardoso, Z. Lin, C.M. Silva. Synthesis and characterisation of aluminosilicate ZSM-5 membranes, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 13 – 4 October, 2018.
I.S. Azenha, J.P.S. Aniceto, S. Sequeira, A. Mendes, C.M. Silva. The separation of betulinic and oleanolic acids by simulated moving bed chromatography: Experimental and modeling studies, 6th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting, Setúbal, 16 – 18 May, 2018.
M.M.R. De Melo, M. Sapatinha, J. Pinheiro, M. Lemos, N.M. Bandarra, I. Batista, M.C. Paulo, J. Coutinho, J. Saraiva, C.M. Silva. Valorization of Aurantiochytrium sp. microalgae through supercritical fluid extraction: optimization of conditions, measurement and modeling of kinetic curves, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 5 – 4 October, 2018.
P.G. Vieira, M.M.R. de Melo, A. ¸Sen, M.M.Q. Simões, H. Pereira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Valorization of Quercus cerris cork by supercritical extraction with modified carbon dioxide as green and efficient solution in relation to the classical extraction with organic solvents, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 4 – 4 October, 2018.
P.R.A.B de Toledo, M.M de Melo, H.R. Pezza, A.T. Toci, L. Pezza, C.M. Silva. Análise Discriminante como ferramenta para controle de qualidade de café torrado, 43°Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisas Cafeeiras, Minas Gerais, 7-10 October , 2017.
B. Zêzere, I.S. Azenha, A.L. Magalhães, A. Mendes, C.M. Silva. Chromatographic measurement of eucalyptol diffusivities in compressed fluids, 10º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, Bragança, 4-6 December, 2017.
I.S. Azenha, J.P.S. Aniceto, F.M.J. Domingues, A. Mendes, C.M. Silva. Design and optimization of a simulated moving bed unit for the separation of betulinic, oleanolic and ursolic acids mixtures: experimental and modeling studies, 10º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, Bragança, 4-6 December, 2017.
A.F. Silva, A.A. Valente, C.M. Silva. Olefin oligomerisation over TUD-1 type aluminosilicates acid catalysts, Research Day, Aveiro, 13 June, 2017.
C.B. Lopes, E.L. Afonso, E. Pereira, C. Vale, T. Trindade, C.M. Silva. Recovery of rare-earth elements using a magnetic graphene-based nanocomposite, I Reunião do Grupo de Carbono, Porto, 12-13 June, 2017.
E.L. Afonso, E. Pereira, T. Trindade, C.M. Silva, C.B. Lopes. Synthesis and characterization of magnetic graphene based nanocomposites for the recovery of rare earth elements materials, Jornadas CICECO 2017, Aveiro, 9-12 April, 2017.
M.M.R. de Melo, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Valorization of vegetal biomass through supercritical CO2 extraction: from lab to exploitation, Research Day, Aveiro, 14 June, 2017.
M.M.R. de Melo, A. J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Valorization of vegetal biomass through supercritical CO2 extraction: from lab to exploitation, Ciência 2017, Lisboa, 3-5 July, 2017.
A.L. Magalhães, M.M. Antunes, S. Lima, P. Neves, E. Fazio, A. Fernandes, F. Neri, C.M. Silva, S.M. Rocha, M.F. Ribeiro, M. Pillinger, A. Urakawa, A.A. Valente. Mechanistic and kinetic modelling studies of furfural conversio to bio-products, 10º Encontro Nacional de Catálise e Materiais Porosos, Lisboa, 19-20 May, 2016.
P. Neves, M.M. Antunes, S. Lima, A.L. Magalhães, E Fazio, A. Fernandes, F. Neri, C.M. Silva, S.M. Rocha, M.F. Ribeiro, M. Pillinger, A. Urakawa, A.A. Valente. One-pot conversion of furfural in the presence of a Sn, Al-containing zeolite beta catalyst, 10º Encontro Nacional de Catálise e Materiais Porosos, Lisboa, 19-20 May, 2016.
M.M.R. de Melo, Ali Şen, A.J.D. Silvestre, H. Pereira, C.M. Silva. Prospective production of friedelin through supercritical CO2 extraction of Quercus cerris cork, 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP-2016), Autrans, 28-30 June, 2016.
M.M. Antunes, S. Lima, P. Neves, A.L. Magalhães, E. Fazio, A. Fernandes, F. Neri, C.M. Silva, S.M. Rocha, M.F. Ribeiro, M. Pillinger, A. Urakawa, A.A. Valente. One-pot conversion of furfural to bio-products: Mechanism and kinetic modelling, 2nd EuGSC - 2nd EuCheMS Congress on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Lisbon, 4-7 October, 2015.
M.M.R de Melo, P.F. Martins, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Valorization of the invasive plant water hyacinth (E. crassipes) by production of stigmasterol enriched extracts through supercritical CO2, 2nd EuGSC - 2nd EuCheMS Congress on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Lisbon, 4-7 October, 2015.
P.F. Martins, M.M.R de Melo, C.M. Silva. Gac oil production using supercritical CO₂: process optimization through a RSM-COM hybrid approach, XX Econtro Luso-Galego de Química, Porto, 26-29 November, 2014.
J.P.S Aniceto, A.F. Silva, S.P.Cardoso, C.M. Silva. Isolation of high value triterpenic acids by Simulated Moving Bed (SMB): design of lab unit and modelling results, XX Econtro Luso-Galego de Química, Porto, 26-29 November, 2014.
R.P. Silva, M.M.R. de Melo, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Jacinto-de-água (Eichhornia crassipes): de planta invasora a fonte promissora de fitosteróis, XX Econtro Luso-Galego de Química, Porto, 26-29 November, 2014.
J.M. Pinheiro, A.A. Valente, Z. Lin, J. Rocha, S. Salustio, N. Ferreira, C.M. Silva. Measurement of adsorption and thermophysical properties of ETS-10, EIDS Summer Workshop - University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, 28 May, 2014.
R.V. Vaz, J. Leite, C.M. Silva. Measurement of tracer diffusivities of α-pinene in supercritical CO2, XX Econtro Luso-Galego de Química, Porto, 26-29 November, 2014.
R.V. Vaz, A.L. Magalhães, José R.B. Gomes, C.M. Silva. Modeling diffusion coefficients in liquids, gases and supercritical fluids, Researcher Day - University of Aveiro, Aveiro, 3 June, 2014.
R.V. Vaz, S.M.R. Santos, J.D. Cordeiro, A.S. Barros, C.M. Silva. Prediction of tracer diffusivities in supercritical CO2 using statistical models, XX Econtro Luso-Galego de Química, Porto, 26-29 November, 2014.
J.P.S. Aniceto, C.M. Silva. Separation of isomers by simulated moving bed (SMB) chromatography, Researcher Day - University of Aveiro, Aveiro, 4 June, 2014.
M.M.R. de Melo, R.M.A. Domingues, M. Sova, . Lack, H. Seidlitz, F. Lang Jr., A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Supercritical fluid extraction of triterpenic acids from Eucalyptus globulus bark at different scales, EIDS Summer Workshop - University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, 29 May, 2014.
S.P. Cardoso, I.C. Azenha, A.E.Rodrigues, Z. Lin, C.M. Silva. Synthesis and characterization of AM-2 and AM-3 titanosilicate membranes, XX Econtro Luso-Galego de Química, Porto, 26-29 November, 2014.
A.R. Guerra, J. Pereira, R.M.A. Domingues, O. Guerreiro, P. Ramos, H. Oliveira, C. Pereira-Wilson, C.S.R. Freire, C.P. Neto, C.M. Silva, A.J.D. Silvestre, C. Lima, M.F. Duarte. Evaluation of the anticancer effects of triterpenic-enriched Eucaliptus bark extracts on human cancer cells, FuBio Seminar 2013, Helsinki, 27 August, 2013.
M. Sova, E. Lack, H. Seidlitz, F. Lang Jr., J. Fernandes, M.M.R. de Melo, R.M.A. Domingues, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Extraction of Bioactive Components from Eucalyptus and Birch Bark by Supercritical CO2 Extraction, 6th International Symposium on High Pressure Processes Technology - EFCE Event No. 708, Belgrade, 8-11 September, 2013.
J.P.S. Aniceto, S.P. Cardoso, C.M. Silva. High value triterpenic acids from Eucalyptus barks: design and construction of a Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) equipment for the isolation of pure compounds, FuBio Seminar 2013, Helsinki, 27 August, 2013.
S.L. Silva, F.G. Martins, J.C. Ribeiro, F.A. Da Silva, C.M. Silva, Artur M.S. Silva. Prediction of Properties of Heavy Petroleum Fractions by 1H NMR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Models, Researcher Day - University of Aveiro, Aveiro, 19 June, 2013.
D.L.A. Fernandes, C.M. Silva, A.M.R.B. Xavier, D. Evtuguin. Detoxification of Sulphide Spent Liquors for bioethanol fermentation employing ion exchange resins., III Workshop em Biotecnologia, Aveiro, May 9, 2012.
R.M.A. Domingues, M. Melo, C. Pascoal Neto, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Supercritical CO2 Extraction of High Value Triterpenic Compounds from Eucalyptus Bark Residues. A contribution for Biorefinery Integration in Pulp and Paper Industries, RRB8 - 8th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries, Toulouse, June 4-6, 2012.
S.P. Cardoso, P.F. Lito, J. Rocha, Z. Lin, C.M. Silva. Synthesis and permeation properties of small-pore titanosilicate AM-3 membranes., Euromembrane, London, September 23-27, 2012.
R.MA. Domingues, E.L.G. Oliveira, G. Sousa, C. Freire, C.M. Silva, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.P. Neto. Eucalyptus bark residues as source of high value triterpenic compounds. Preliminary extractions with supercritical CO2, RR 2011 – International Conference “Renewable Wood and Plant Resources: Chemistry, Technology, Pharmacology, Medicine”, Saint-Petersburg, June 21-24, 2011.
R.M.A. Domingues, G. Sousa, C.M. Silva, C. Freire, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.P. Neto. Eucalyptus Biomass Residues from Agroforest and Pulping Industry as Source of High Value Triterpenic Compounds., NWBC - Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Stockholm, March 22-24, 2011.
R.M. Silva, C.M. Silva, I. Portugal. Kinetic study of the acetylation of ricinoleic acid with acetic anhydride, 11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, Lisbon, September 5-7, 2011.
S.M. Leite, B.M. Antunes, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Modelling Phase and Chemical Equilibrium in Catalytic Esterification of Acetic Acid and Ethanol, 8th ECCE – European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin, September 25-29, 2011.
P.F. Lito, S.P. Cardoso, X. Lia, J. Rocha, Z. Lin, C.M. Silva. Permeation of small gases through 6-ring channels titanosilicate membranes, 11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, Lisbon, September 5-7, 2011.
E.L.G. Oliveira, R.M.A. Domingues, C.S.R. Freire, C.P. Neto, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Supercritical CO2 extraction of high value triterpenoids from Eucalyptus globulus bark: preliminary experiments, NWBC - Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Stockholm, March 22-24, 2011.
P.F. Lito, X. Li, J. Rocha, Z. Lin, C.M. Silva. Synthesis and characterization of microporous titanosilicate AM-3 membranes for small gases permeation, 8th ECCE – Europeen Congresso Chemical Engineering, Berlin, September 25-29, 2011.
B.M. Antunes, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Theoretical and Experimental Study of Acetic Acid Esterification, 11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, Lisbon, September 5-7, 2011.
R.V. Vaz, A.L. Magalhães, C.M. Silva. Universal Entropy Scaling Law for Self-diffusion Coefficients, 8th ECCE – European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin, September 25-29, 2011.
C.B. Lopes, P. Figueira, A. Daniel-da-Silva, M. Otero, Z. Lin, C.M. Silva, J. Rocha, E. Pereira, T. Andrade, A.C. Duarte. Adsorção de Mercúrio (II) em Micro- e Nano-Partículas, XXXV Reunião Ibérica de Adsorção, Lisboa, 8-10 September, 2010.
C.B. Lopes, M. Otero, Z. Lin, C.M. Silva, J. Rocha, E. Pereira, A.C. Duarte. ETS-4 fixed-bed ion exchange system for the remediation of mercury(II) contaminated water, SETAC Europe: Science and Technology for Environmental Protection, 20th Meeting, Seville, May 23-27, 2010.
M. Abrantes, P. Neves, M.M. Antunes, S. Gago, F.A.A. Paz, A.E. Rodrigues, M. Pillinger, I.S. Gonçalves, C.M. Silva, A.A. Valente. Microwave-Assisted Molybdenum-Catalysed Epoxidation of Olefin, 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Nürnberg, August 29 - September 2, 2010.
D.J.P. Nunes, T.M.R. Fonseca, P.M. Domingues, C.M. Silva, D.V. Evtuguin, A.M.R.B. Xavier. Production of Second Generation Bioethanol and Single Cell Protein from High Spent Sulfite Liquor, XVI Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, Aveiro, November 10-12, 2010.
P. Neves, S. Gago, C.C.L. Pereira, S. Figueiredo, A. Lemos, A.D. Lopes, I.S. Gonçalves, M. Pillinger, C.M. Silva, A.A. Valente. Catalytic epoxidation activity of a dioxomolybdenum(VI) complex bearing a chiral tetradentate bis-oxazoline ligand, Catalysis Lectures for Environmental Applications and Renewables CLEAR Summer School, Chalkidiki, May 24-29, 2009.
L. Barreira, E. Camarinha, P.F. Lito, J. Rocha, Z. Lin, A.C. Duarte, E. Pereira, C.M. Silva. Cadmium (II) removal from aqueous solution using microporous titanosilicate ETS-4 and ETS-10, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
C.B. Lopes, M. Otero, Z. Lin, C.M. Silva, J. Rocha, E. Pereira, A.C. Duarte. Comparative mercury removal by ETS-4 and activated carbon from low contaminated solutions, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
C.P. Passos, R.M. Silva, F.A. Da Silva, M.A. Coimbra, C.M. Silva. Enhancement of Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Grape Seed Oil with Enzymatic Pre-treatment, CHISA, Prague, , 2008.
A.L. Magalhães, C.P. Passos, J.A. Saraiva, M,A. Coimbra, C.M. Silva. High Pressure Treatment of Grape Seed to Enhance the Yield of Oil Extraction, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
A.C. Duarte, Z. Lin, C.B. Lopes, M. Otero, E. Pereira, J. Rocha, C.M. Silva. Kinetic study of mercury removal from contaminated water by zeolie X, ISEAC 35, Gdansk, , 2008.
P.F. Lito, C.M. Silva. Maxwell-Stefan based model for ion exchange in microporous materials, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
C.M. Silva, S.A. Alves, F.A. Da Silva. Modelling Solubility of Amino Acids in Aqueous Solutions, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
P. Neves, J.C. Alonso, M.J.P. Silva, S. Quintal, P.D. Vaz, C.M. Silva, A.A. Valente, P. Ferreira, M.J. Calhorda, V. Félix, M.G.B. Drew. Molybdenum η3-allyldicarbonyl complexes as a new class of precursors for highly reactive epoxidation catalysts with tert-butyl hydroperoxide, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
C.M. Silva, C.P. Passos, M.A. Coimbra, F.A. Da Silva. Numerical Simulation of Supercritical Extraction Processes, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
C.P. Passos, S.M. Cardoso, A.S. Barros, C.M. Silva, M.A. Coimbra. Procyanidin Average Degree of Polymerization, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
C.P. Passos, R.M. Silva, F.A. Da Silva, M.A. Coimbra, C.M. Silva. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Grape Seed Oil using an Enzymatic Pre-treatment, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
P. Neves , S. Gago, B. Monteiro, A.D. Lopes, F.A.A. Paz, M. Pillinger, C.M. Silva, I. S. Gonçalves, A.A. Valente. Synthesis and catalytic properties in olefin epoxidation of bis(chloro)dioxomolybdenum(VI)-bis(N,N-dialkylamide) complexes. Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation, ADHOC-2008, Veneza, , 2008.
C.P. Passos, S. Yilmaz, E. Donmez, C.M. Silva, M.A. Coimbra. Enhancement of Grape Seed Oil extraction using Enzymatic pre treatment of seed - Parameters optimization, 5th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Gothenburg, , 2007.
C.P. Passos, S. Yilmaz, C.M. Silva, M.A. Coimbra. Enzymatic treatment of grape seed to improve the oil extraction yield, Micro Biotec - XXXIII, Lisboa, , 2007.
C.B. Lopes, P.F. Lito, M. Otero, Z. Lin, J. Rocha, C.M. Silva, E. Pereira, A.C. Duarte. Mercury Removal with Zeolite ETS-4, 4th International Zeolite Membrane Meeting (IZMM4), Zaragoza, , 2007.
P. Neves, J.C. Alonso, M.J.P. Silva, S. Quintal, P.D. Vaz, C.M. Silva, A.A. Valente, P. Ferreira, M.J. Calhorda, V. Felix. M.G.B. η3-Allyldicarbonyl Complexes as A New Class Of Precursors for Drew Molybdenum Highly Reactive Epoxidation Catalysts with Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide, 8º Encontro Nacional de Catalise e Materiais Porosos of Sociedade Portuguesa de Quimica, Lamego, , 2007.
F.A. Da Silva, C.M. Silva. A Controller Tuning Laboratory Experiment, CHEMPOR 2005, Coimbra, , 2005.
C. Filho, C.M. Silva, M.B. Quadri, E.A. Macedo. Applicability of Taylor-Aris Analysis to Non-Newtonian Fluids, CHEMPOR 2005, Coimbra, , 2005.
C.P. Passos, E. Coelho, S.M. Cardoso, C.M. Silva, M.A. Coimbra. Characterization of Grape Seed Triglycerides and Phenolic Compounds as a Preliminary Approach to Enhance its Oil Functional Properties, CHEMPOR 2005, Coimbra, , 2005.
C.B. Lopes, C.M. Silva, F. A. Da Silva, J. Rocha, E. Pereira. Mercury Removal with Titanosilicate Zeolites, CHEMPOR 2005, Coimbra, , 2005.
F.A. Da Silva, C.M. Silva. On simulating a fixed bed and cyclic adsorption separation process, CHEMPOR 2005, Coimbra, , 2005.
F. Gil, A.M. Peres, E.A. Macedo, F.A. Da Silva, C.M. Silva. Solid-Liquid Equilibrium of Sugars in Aqueous Solution: Measurement and Modelling, CHEMPOR 2005, Coimbra, , 2005.
A.M.R.B. Xavier, M.F.J. Eusébio, F.A. Da Silva, C.M. Silva. Ultrafiltração Tangencial de Suspensões Aquosas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, CHEMPOR 2005, Coimbra, , 2005.
S. Sequeira, F.A. Da Silva, C.M. Silva, I. Portugal. Adsorption Undergraduate Experiments, CHEMPOR 2005, Aveiro, , 2001.
C. Filho, C.M. Silva, M.B. Quadri, E.A. Macedo. Diffusion Coefficients of Linalool in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, EMPROMER 2001, Santa Fé, , 2001.
C. Filho, C.M. Silva, M.B. Quadri, E.A. Macedo. Tracer Diffusion Coefficients of β-Pinene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, CHEMPOR 2001, Aveiro, , 2001.
C. Filho, C.M. Silva, E.A. Macedo. Diffusion Coefficients of D-Limonene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, 18th European Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, Kutna Hora, , 2000.
C.M. Silva, E.A. Macedo. Generalized Free Volume Theory for the Transport Properties of Dense Fluids, 17th European Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, Vilamoura, , 1999.
C.M. Silva, J.P.S. Aniceto. Invited Talk: Advancements in Supercritical Fluid Extraction: Research-Based Strategies for Effective Scale-Up and Design, XIII Iberoamerican Conference on Phase Equilibria and Fluid Pro- perties for Process Design (XIII EQUIFASE), Évora, Portugal, September 9–12, 2024.
C.M. Silva, W.Q. Rios. Invited Talk: Diffusion Coefficients in Dense Fluids: Data Analysis, Modeling and Theoretical Perspectives, 3rd Iberian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EIFS2024), Ourense, Spain, July 22–24, 2024.
A. Cavuquila, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, A. Barros-Timmons. A detailed study on the valorization of multilayer plastic waste based on the dissolution and precipitation technique, CHEMPOR 2023, Bragança, 12th-15th September, 2023.
A.F. Silva, J.P.S. Aniceto, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Adsorption of cork volatile organic compounds over different types of porous materials, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
W.Q. Rios, B. Antunes, A.E. Rodrigues, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Analytical equations for the effectiveness factor of isothermal reversible reactions, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
C.M.C. Silva, C. Maganinho, S.M.R. Costa, G.A. Carreira, C.M. Silva, I. Portugal. Boosting the properties of recovered carbon black from end-of-life tires, 11th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE11), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4th - 8th June, 2023.
T.V.B. Fonseca, W.Q. Rios, I. Portugal, M.M.Q. Simões, C.M. Silva, J.R.B. Gomes. Diffusion coefficient of 2,4,6- trichloroanisole in carbon dioxide by molecular dynamics simulations, 19th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Budapest, Hungary, 21-24 May, 2023.
C. Maganinho, C.M.C. Silva, S.M.R. Costa, I. Portugal, J. Rocha, C.M. Silva. Enhancing the properties of recovered carbon black: demineralization process investigation, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
A.F.F. Dias, A. Cavuquila, M.L. Durão, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, A. Barros-Timmons. Exploring the use of supercritical fluids in the recycling of multilayer plastic packaging, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
A. Cavuquila, M.L. Durão, A. Dias, C. Maganinho, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, A. Barros-Timmons. From multilayer plastic waste towards valuable products, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
A.B.V. Farias, M.G.A. Vieira, C.B. Lopes, T. Trindade, C.M. Silva. Incorporation of aceclofenac in k-carrageenan/sericin-based multiparticulate systems, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
L.C. Pereira, F.A. Silva, S.E. Pereira, C.M. Silva. Integration of combustion and supercritical fluid units through CO2 capture and purification, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
J.P.S. Aniceto, B. Zêzere, C.M. Silva. Machine Learning models for the prediction of diffusion coefficients in SC-CO2, 19th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Budapest, Hungary, 21-24 May, 2023.
T. Trindade, S. Gonçalves, C.M. Silva, C.B. Lopes. Magnetic carbon-based nanocomposites for environmental applications: the case of arsenic and mercury removal from water, The 4th International Online Conference on Nanomaterials, Online, 5–19 May, 2023.
T.V.B. Fonseca, W.Q. Rios, I. Portugal, M.M.Q. Simões, C.M. Silva, J.R.B. Gomes. Molecular dynamics computation of diffusion Coefficients of cork-contaminating substances in supercritical carbon dioxide, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
M.L. Durão, A. Cavuquila, C. Martins, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, I. Gonçalves, A. Barros-Timmons. Multilayer plastic waste and tomato pomace in additive manufacturing: a circular economy approach, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
M.J. Pereira, M.A.J. Teixeira, A.F. Carvalho, A.J. Fernandes, P. Antunes, L. Rino, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, F.M. Costa. Optical sensor for in situ monitoring of transformer oil and cellulose insulation in power transformers, 1st International Conference on Challenges in Engineering, Medical, Economics and Education: Research & Solutions (CEMEERS-23), Lisbon, 21th - 22th June, 2023.
S.M.R. Costa, C.M.C. Silva, D. Fowler, G.A. Carreira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Optimization of end-of-life tires pyrolysis and processes for the production of marketable recovered carbon black and fuel, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
J.P.S. Aniceto, B. Zêzere, C.M. Silva. Prediction of diffusion coefficients in supercritical carbon dioxide using machine learning models, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
T.F. Neves, C.B. Lopes, P. Prediger, C.M. Silva. Preparation of new polymeric membranes based on poly(4-vinylpiridinium iodide)/graphene oxide for pollutants removal from water and wastewater, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
T.L. Silva, M.G.A. Vieira, C.B. Lopes, T. Trindade, C.M. Silva. Production of adsorbent particles based on natural polymers and clays for removal of drugs present in aqueous media, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
M.A.J. Teixeira, L. Maia, S.Y. Matharage, Z. Wang, M.M.Q. Simões, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Study of furanic compounds sorption and its presence in transformers’ insulating materials degradation, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
V.H. Rodrigues, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Supercritical extraction of triterpenoids from Acacia dealbata Link. Biomass, V International Symposium on Lignocellulosic Materials (ISLCM 2023), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6th - 7th June, 2023.
A. Cavuquila, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, A. Barros-Timmons. Transforming multilayer plastic waste into good quality resource, Circular economy: make it happen, Virtual Conference, 25th October, 2023.
C.M.C. Silva, S.M.R. Costa, J. Rocha, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Upgrading recovered carbon black from the pyrolysis of end-of-life tires, Research Summit 2023, Aveiro, 12th - 14th July, 2023.
V.H. Rodrigues, I. Portugal. C.M. Silva. Acacia dealbata Link. biomass – a prospective source of valuable lupane triterpenoids using supercritical fluid extraction, 13th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF 2022), Montreal, Canada, 15th - 18th May, 2022.
A. Cavuquila, C.M. Silva, A. Barros-Timmons. Conversão de resíduos poliméricos em produtos de maior valor acrescentado, 43º encontro do Conselho Técnico da ARCP, Aveiro, , 15th December, 2022.
A. Cavuquila, C.M. Silva, A. Barros-Timmons. From multilayer food packaging residues towards high quality polymers, CICECO's internal Workshop on Recycling of Polymers, Polymers' Additives, Aveiro, 14th June, 2022.
J.P.S. Aniceto, B. Zêzere, C.M. Silva. Machine learning models for the prediction of diffusivities in supercritical CO2 systems, 2nd Iberian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EIFS2022), Coimbra, Portugal, February 28th - March 2nd, 2022.
B. Zêzere, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva, J.R.B. Gomes. Molecular dynamics and phenomelogical modeling of experimental diffusivities in supercritical mixtures, 13th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF 2022), Montreal, Canada, 15th - 18th May, 2022.
C.M.C. Silva, C. Maganinho, S.M.R. Costa, G. Carreira, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Optimizing recovered carbon black through post processing: Ultrafine milling, ash leaching and volatile reduction, Recovered Carbon Black Conference, Berlin, Germany, 16th - 17th November, 2022.
V.H. Rodrigues, Inês Portugal, C.M. Silva. Supercritical fluid extraction of lupane triterpenoids from Acacia dealbata biomass – effect of pressure, temperature and cosolvents, 2nd Iberian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EIFS2022), Coimbra, Portugal, February 28th - March 2nd, 2022.
A. Cavuquila, C.M. Silva, A. Barros-Timmons. Thermochemical valorization of plastic waste, Seminar in Chemical Engineering, Aveiro, 23th November, 2022.
A. Cavuquila, A. Barros-Timmons, C.M. Silva. Thermochemical valorization of plastic waste, Research Summit 2022, Aveiro, 13th - 15th July, 2022.
V.H. Rodrigues, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Supercritical fluid extraction of triterpenoids from Acacia dealbata biomass, EMSF2021, Bordeaux, France, , 2021.
M.M.R. de Melo, J.A. Saraiva, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Supercritical fluid extraction of vegetal biomass from 2000 to 2020: systematization by stage of research, diversity of species, and features of solutes, EMSF2021, Bordeaux, France, , 2021.
A. Cavuquila, C.M. Silva, A. Barros-Timmons. Thermochemical recovery of plastic waste, Research Summit 2021, Aveiro, 7th - 9th July, 2021.
M.M.R. de Melo, M. Sapatinha, J. Pinheiro, M.F.L. Lemos, N.M. Bandarra, I. Batista, M.C. Paulo, J. Coutinho, J.A. Saraiva, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Cosolvents influence on the kinetics of supercritical fluid extraction of Aurantiochytrium sp. microalgae, 58th European High Pressure Research Group International Conference, Tenerife, Spain, 6-11 September, 2020.
M.M.R. de Melo, J.A. Saraiva, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Research (framework) approach to convey supercritical fluid extraction of agrofood and forestry byproducts from lab to industrial exploitation, First Iberian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 18-19 February, 2020.
E. Fabre, C. Vale, E. Pereira, C. M. Silva. Valorization of banana peels for mercury removal in environmental realist conditions, ICECM 2019: International Conference on Environment, Chemistry and Management, New York, 22-23 April, 2019.
V.H. Rodrigues, M.M. R. de Melo, I. Portugal, C.M. Silva. Supercritical CO2 extraction of Eucalyptus globulus bark: Techno-economic optimization of the industrial process, ChemPor 2018, Aveiro, 2-4 October, 2018.
E. Fabre, E. Pereira, C.M. Silva. Valorização de cascas de banana aplicadas para remoção de mercúrio(II) em tratamentos de águas, Conferência Internacional de Ambiente em Língua Portuguesa, Aveiro, 8-10 May, 2018.
E. Fabre, E. Pereira, C.M. Silva. Agricultural Wastes for Mercury(II) Removal in Wastewater Treatment, 18th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Porto, 26-29 November, 2017.
E. Fabre, A. Rocha, C. Lopes, E. Pereira, C.M. Silva. Mercury(II) removal from aqueous solutions using microporous zeolites, 3th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium, Prague, 11-15 September, 2017.
E. Fabre, P. Figueira, E. Pereira, C.M. Silva. Mercury removal by agricultural wastes, Solutions, Treatments, Opportunities, 4th Wastes: Solutions, Treatments, Opportunities, Czech Republic, 25-26 September, 2017.
C.B. Lopes, E.L. Afonso, E. Pereira, C. Vale, T. Trindade, C.M. Silva. Recovery of rare earth elements using a magnetic graphene based nanocomposite, I Reunião do Grupo de Carbono, Porto, 12-13 June, 2017.
C.B. Lopes, E.L. Afonso, E. Pereira, C. Vale, C.M. Silva, T. Trindade. Technology-critical elements: a new approach for the removal and recovery of these high-demand elements from water, 2nd International Conference on Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules, Costa da Caparica, 6-9 November, 2017.
J.M. Pinheiro, S. Salústio, A.A. Valente, C.M. Silva. Development of a zeolitic heat exchanger for heating applications, Colloquium of the Doctoral Programme in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering (PDERPQ - EngIQ), Porto, 9 September, 2016.
M.M. Antunes, S. Lima, P. Neves, A.L. Magalhães, E. Fazio, F. Neri, M.T. Pereira, A.F. Silva, C.M. Silva, S.M. Rocha, M. Pilinger, A. Urakawa, A.A. Valente. Valorisation of Bio-Based Furfural Using Multifunctional Catalysts, 10º Encontro Nacional de Catálise e Materiais Porosos, Lisboa, 19-20 May, 2016.
C.P. Neto, R.M.A. Domingues, M.M.R. De Melo, C.S.R. Freire, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. High value triterpenic acids from Eucalyptusbark: from chemical characterization to environmentally friendly extraction, and scale-up studies, 13th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP-2014), Seville, 24-27 June, 2014.
H.M.A Barbosa, M.M.R de Melo, M.A. Coimbra, C.P. Passos, C.M. Silva. Supercritical fluid extraction of spent coffee grounds: Optimization of oil and diterpenes extraction using experimental design and response surface methodology, 25th International Conference on Coffee Science, Armenia - Quindío, 8-13 September, 2014.
M.M.R. de Melo, R.M.A. Domingues, M. Sova, E. Lack, H.Seidlitz, F. Lang Jr., A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. Supercritical fluid extraction of triterpenic acids from Eucalyptus globulus bark at different scales, 14th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Marseille, 18-21 May, 2014.
A.L. Magalhães, R.V. Vaz, R.G. Gonçalves, C.M. Silva. Correlation for binary diffusion coefficients in supercritical systems, very accurate near the critical point, 10th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Naples, April 29-May 06, 2013.
R.M.A. Domingues, M.M.R. de Melo, C.P. Neto, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.M. Silva. “Green” triterpenic acids production in an Eucalyptus wood pulp mill, 2nd Iberoamerican Congress on Biorefineries, Jaén, April 10-12, 2013.
C.M. Silva. Research & Development of Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Triterpenic Compounds from Barks, FuBio Seminar 2013, Helsinki, August, 2013.
A.J.D. Silvestre, R.M.A. Domingues, C.S.R. Freire, C.M. Silva, C.P. Neto. High value chemicals from Eucalyptus Biomass Residues from Agro-forest and Pulping Industry, 2012 IUFRO Conference, Lisbon, July 8-13, 2012.
A.L. Magalhães, F.A. Da Silva, C.M. Silva. Modeling Tracer Diffusion Coefficients in Supercritical CO2, 10th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids: Discover the Versatility of Supercritical Fluid Technology, San Francisco, May 13-16, 2012.
D.L.A. Fernandes, C.M. Silva, A.M.R.B. Xavier, D.V. Evtuguin. Detoxification of sulphide spent liquors for bioethanol fermentation employing ion exchange resins, 8th ECCE – European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin, September 25-29, 2011.
A.L. Magalhães, F.A. Da Silva, C.M. Silva. Modeling Tracer Diffusion Coefficients of Polar Systems, 8th ECCE – European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin, September 25-29, 2011.
C.M. Silva. Supercritical CO2 extraction of wood valuable compounds, NWBC - Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Stockholm, March 22-24, 2011.
S.R.S. Pereira, D.L.A. Fernandes, D. Evtuguin, C.M. Silva, A. Prates, A.M.R.B. Xavier. Utilization of by-products from sulphite pulp production: a biorefinary approach, RRB7 - 7th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries, Bruges, June 8-10, 2011.
S.R. Pereira, D.L.A. Fernandes, C.M. Silva, L.S. Serafim, D.V. Evtyugin, A.M.R.B. Xavier. Valorization of a side product of pulp industry under the concept of Biorefinery, 11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, Lisbon, September 5-7, 2011.
B. Soares, J.P.S. Aniceto, C.S.R. Freire, I. Brandão, C.M. Silva, I. Portugal, Carlos P. Neto. Valorization of Coffee grounds by oxypropylation, 11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, Lisbon, September 5-7, 2011.
D.V. Evtuguin, A.M.R.B. Xavier, C.M. Silva, A. Prates. Towards Comprehensive Utilization of Side Products from Sulphite Pulp Production: A Biorefinary Approach, XXI TECNICELPA – Conference and Exhibition /CIADICYP – VI Iberoamerican Congress on Pulp and Paper Research, Lisbon, October 12-15, 2010.
P.F. Lito, S.B. Barros, J. Rocha, Z. Lin, C.M. Silva. Characterization of a Microporous Titanosilicate AM-3 Membrane – Pure gas permeation, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
C.M. Silva, R. V. Vaz, T.M.F. Canhoto, P.F. Lito, A.S. Santiago. Continuous and Batch Distillation in an Oldershaw Tray Column, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
J. Afonso, C.P. Passos, C.M. Silva, M.A. Coimbra, P. Soares-da-Silva. Inhibitory Effect of Phenolic Compounds on the Activity of Angiotensin I coverting Enzyme, CHEMPOR 2008, Braga, , 2008.
P.F. Lito, C.M. Silva. Exploring the Maxwell-Stefan Equations to Ion Exchange Microporous Materials, 3rd International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL-2007), Algarve, , 2007.
C.B. Lopes, T. Ferreira, M. Otero, Z. Lin, C.M. Silva, M.E. Pereira, J. Rocha, A.C. Duarte. Priority Pollutants (Hg2+ And Cd2+) Removal From Water by ETS-4 Titanosilicate, European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC8), Inverness, , 2007.
C.B. Lopes, M. Otero, Z. Lin, E. Pereira, C.M. Silva, J. Rocha, A.C. Duarte. Removal of mercury from aqueous solutions by ETS-4 microporous titanosilicate: effect of contact time, titanosilicate mass and initial metal concentration, 11th ICEM2007, Bruges, , 2007.
C.P. Passos, S.M. Cardoso, C.M. Silva, M.R.M. Domingues, M.A. Coimbra. Grape seed Polyphenolic Caracterization, CEFood 2006, Bulgary, , 2006.
C.M. Silva, E.A. Macedo. On the Thermodynamics and Mass Transfer for Supercritical Fluid Process, Conferência Plenária, 4th Brasilian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Bahía, October 9-11, 2001.
C.M. Silva, E.A. Macedo. Diffusion Coefficients of Ethers in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, 14th Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, Atenas, , 1994.
C.M. Silva, E.A. Macedo. Coeficientes de Difusão em Sistemas Super-Críticos, 1º Encontro de Química-Física, Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Lisboa, , 1993.
E.A. Macedo, S.P. Pinho, C.M. Silva. Solubility of Amino Acids by Group-Contribution Method, 13th Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, Carry-Le-Rouet, , 1993.
E.A. Macedo, C.M. Silva. Propriedades de Transporte em Fluidos Super-Críticos, VI Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, Maia, , 1992.
E.A. Macedo, C.M. Silva. Solubility of Amino Acids by UNIFAC Group-Contribution Method, V International Conference on Thermodynamics of Solutions of Non-Electrolytes, Porto, , 1992.